Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Harder Day for Kevin

I just got this update on our friend Kevin Sherman. Please continue to pray for he and his family. He has 1 more embolization procedure tomorrow and then his brain surgery is Friday. Here is the update from his father-in-law:

Last night wasn't good, lots of pain and discomfort, which causes his blood pressure to go up. Imagine laying on your back for a 4 hr procedure and then 9 hours to keep you leg from bleeding. You would have back pain too. His head is hurting too. They want the blood pressure below 120 so keeping him out of pain is important. If we get the pressure under control he will move to a room if not he will stay in ICU till the next procedure tomorrow. I will update you more when there is more to report.

As you can see, his day yesterday was much harder. I also had an email from his wife Shanna that said he has been in alot of pain and they pretty much have to keep him knocked out to keep his blood pressure down. One good thing is, their children are coming to Dallas to the hospital tomorrow night and will be there on Friday for the surgery. I know they will be thrilled to see their kids.

So, if you keep up with our blog, please stop for a moment and lift this family up to the Lord. They need God's healing power to touch Kevin's body and bring complete healing to him. I'll update when I hear more! Thanks for praying for our dear friends!

1 comment:

Lori Walker said...

Will do Jennifer - prayer is easy - wish we could do more for your friends/family.