Monday, September 29, 2008

Go Diamond Jaxx!!!

Saturday was Brandon & Bradley's 1st baseball game of the fall season. They are both on the same team this season, The Diamond Jaxx! This is Brandon's 3rd season to play. His 1st season of baseball was interrupted by a broken wrist, so this is actually his 2nd season to get to really play ball. He's working so hard and doing very well. He had the option to play one more season of coach pitch, so that is what we decided to do. It will give him another season of practice before moving up to kid-pitch.

This is Bradley's 1st time ever to play baseball and he has taken it very seriously. The only position he has shown interest in playing is catcher. He's talked about buying his own catcher's equipment and is actually saving his own money to buy it. He was so excited Saturday when his coach started him out as catcher. He was grinning from ear to ear as he walked out on the field with all the gear on. Of course, it is so bulky, it's hard to move about quickly. We were very proud of him. He did very well as catcher! At one point, Brandon played on the pitcher's mound alongside the pitching coach. He actually caught a pop-up ball hit by the other team which resulted in an out! Go Brandon!!!

Here are our guys ready to go! They were ready to get dressed way before it was time for the game to start!

Here is Brandon up to bat for the 1st time in the game. If you can enlarge this picture you will see him grinning from ear to ear!

Bradley's big "Catching" debut!!!

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