Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good Night for Kevin

Hello Everyone! I just got another update on our friend Kevin Sherman. Below is a note from his father-in-law:

Good morning to all.

Kevin had a good night last night. He slept good or as good as you can when you get prodded every hour and a half. The schedule has changed. He was going to have the procedure at 7 this morning, but he is now going 2ND, not first. I'm/we are not sure what that means time wise. The procedure will probably start by 11 or 12, which means it will be over between 3 and 5. I will update you then if I can, because if it is to late my relay manager (Omar) may be gone. As a side note Shanna got a good nights sleep and is ready for another day of waiting. All in all things are going great.

Please continue to lift him up in prayer! Our God is Big and He remains faithful! Thank you Lord for what you've done so far and what you are going to do in healing Kevin!

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