Thursday, August 28, 2008
"Super Brandon"
Turtles and Fenceposts and Faith
"Remember Me, when the children leave their Sunday School with smiles. Remember Me, when their old enough to teach, old enough to preach, old enough to leave. And age to age and heart to heart; bound by grace and peace.
Child of wonder, child of God. I've remembered you; remember Me."
As I listened and remembered, God brought Hebrews 13:7 to my mind. It says,
"Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith."
He also brought some names to my heart and mind:
Margaret Rhodes - my high school senior English teacher who demonstrated God's tangible love to me as I struggled with my parents divorce. She took me in, nurtured me, loved me, invested in me, listened to me. She gave sacrificially of her time and herself.
Diana Jennings - an elementary school teacher at Ft. Worth Academy where I worked as a substitute teacher/day care worker/school janitor while I was in seminary. I spent a lot of time in her classroom talking about faith and family and life's daily challenges. She listened to and loved me and encouraged me through those long seminary days. She went the extra mile to help me. She was a true friend with a strong faith.
James Dawson - my children's church pastor at Terrace Hills Baptist Church. He shared "The Greatest Story Ever Told" with me. He led me to Christ as an eight year old boy. He served on my ordination council. He loved me and invested in me.
These are just a few of the persons on a long list of persons who've had a profound influence and impact on my faith. I'll add to the list in a later blog; but I'll leave you with this thought that I heard from the graduation speaker (whose name I don't remember) when I graduated from college. He said, "If a turtle is sitting on a fencepost, it had to have some help getting there." Who are the persons in your life who've helped you get where you are and become who you are today in life? Whose faith can you imitate because they spoke the word of truth to you and their conduct matched their speech? The Scripture implores us to remember them. I implore you to remember them, thank them (if possible), and thank God for them. Do it today. Every turtle needs help getting on top of the fencepost. posted by John
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Brenna missing her brothers!
Monday, August 25, 2008
1st Day of School
And, here is my very handsome 3rd grader, Brandon!

Here they are with their daddy before leaving this morning for school. John called them "The Blues Brothers" because they were all wearing blue this morning! Thought that was cute! I'll soon have some pictures of Brenna & Bethany's first day of preschool. They start in a couple of weeks! Thanks for reading our blog!
A Trip to the Circus

Steven Curtis Chapman Concert, Astros Game, & Visit with Family
I wish you could have seen my husband jumping on this pogo stick at his sister's house! He jumped for a really long time too! I was very impressed! Go John!!!!

He was also jumping this ramp with the kids! Way to go Honey!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
32 years (and counting)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
True Confessions of a Grieving Dad
God has taught me innumberable things over these past six years. Here's just a few: 1. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I'm not exempt from pain. The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust alike. 2. Life is not fair, but God is faithful. I've learned more about God and who He is with greater depth and understanding because He's allowed Jennifer and I to walk this path of pain and struggle. That wouldn't have been possible a part from this deep valley. 3. Life hurts, but God heals. As Wayne Watson, in his song "Home Free" says, "At the ultimate healing, we will be home free." Heaven will be the ultimate healing; and it awaits for everyone who has entrusted their life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 4. Giants are big; but God is bigger. God is bigger than anything He will ever allow me to face or encounter in this life. And He is with me to walk through it (or carry me when necessary) every step of the way. Thank you, my Father. posted by John
Friday, August 15, 2008
In Honor of Jonathan and Jenny
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Bethany!!!

Before Bethany's birthday, I asked her what she wanted for her birthday. Her answer was "Caaake!" It was too funny! So, here she is with her purse-shaped cake which she was very proud of.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of this precious little girl. What a blessing she is to our family and to everyone who knows her. We love her dearly and can't imagine our lives without her! Lord, You are good!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sea World & Tons of Fun with Aunt Kimmy

Here is Aunt Kimmy taking a ride on the ferris wheel with Brenna & Bethany!

"Journey to Atlantis" was the family favorite of all the rides at Sea World. Brenna was almost tall enough to ride, but the worker doing the measuring let her on through. She ended up riding this ride about 6 times. She loved the big splash at the end of the "water fall" she called it. You can see it in the background of the picture above.

Brandon couldn't stop talking about the "Steel Eel" roller-coaster and how he wanted to ride it. He talked about it from the time we arrived at Sea World on the 1st day. It was a big metal roller coaster that went very fast! Bradley decided that he wanted to ride too, and they both measured exactly 48 inches tall which was how tall you had to be to ride. John cared nothing about riding, Kimmy didn't want to ride either, so guess who was left to ride the "steel eel"? You got it, "Mommy"! I certainly was not putting my boys on there alone (I guess that is a mommy thing), so I decided to ride with them. Neither of them wanted to sit alone on the ride, so I talked Kimmy into riding it with us. We decided when the coaster came to a stop, that it was no fun at all!!! It terrified Bradley, but Brandon loved it and probably would've ridden it a 2nd time if there had been time. So, Kimmy, Bradley and I gave the "Steel Eel" a thumbs down while Brandon gave the ride a thumbs up all the way!!!

A very tired family at the end of 2 very fun days at Sea World! Bethany didn't go with us the 2nd day. She hung out with her buddy Kenlie and her family again! Thanks a million Lori!
Children's Museum

Bradley and I spent some time building with K-Nex. We made this birthday cake since Bethany's birthday is coming up in a few days!

Aunt Kimmy was also along for the fun at the museum! We are sitting at a counter being served this yummy food by Brandon, Bradley, and Brenna, along with several other kids who were playing in the kitchen area.

My beautiful Brenna posing for the camera while playing in the kitchen area at the museum!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Keeping a 2-yr. old busy!

Brandon & Bradley's Special Day!

Bradley is reading from his "Faith to Grow On" book about salvation.