Thursday, May 14, 2009

Where's My Baby????

I'm sure that most people who are reading this blog know that soon after we began to pursue foster care/adoption, the 1st child God placed in our home was a beautiful little 3 month old baby girl. That beautiful little baby is now 5 years old, has lost her 1st tooth, and is now registered for Kindergarten, "sniff, sniff"! I can't believe it! Time has gone so quickly. It doesn't seem that way, until I begin to look back at the day a caseworker placed her into my arms, and I wonder, where has the time gone? I'm sure all of you ask the very same question, but this week, it has been very real to me. On Tuesday, Brenna's tooth was barely holding on. She finally let me get a good grip on it, and with a loud holler and a firm tug, the tooth popped right out. She was so excited!! That night was Kindergarten Round-Up at our elementary school. Brenna Woods is now registered for Kindergarten and will start this fall. She thought she would be meeting her teacher and all her new friends that night. When I explained to her that she would not be starting until late August, she thought that was entirely too long to wait.

Here is Brenna showing me the hole in her mouth!

Brenna sitting on the hippo after registering for Kindergarten

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Your baby is gone. I miss her. Want to get another one :) I'm sure there are plenty available, just like she was.