Monday, May 18, 2009

When Its All Been Said and Done

I sat on the back row of our FBC sanctuary today (Monday) and listened as one person after another came to the front to share about the impact, influence, and investment that their deceased friend had made in and upon their life. Compassionate, minister, faithful, musician, kind, caring, genuine - just a few words that described the life of a man well-lived. It made me wonder: when my time comes to meet my Maker and men and women sat in a room around my vacated body (I'll be in heaven) at that event called a funeral/memorial service, I wonder what they'll say. If they are honest and truthful, what words will be uttered from their mouth or in their heart when they reflect on my life? What will my friends say? What will my co-workers say? My acquaintances? My family? My children? My wife? I don't know about you, but that's a convicting thought. The truth is this: I've messed up a lot. Often times more than I'd like to admit. I'm thankful for a God who gives grace and second chances and do-overs. Even still, the Bible says in James 4 that my life is like a vapor - here for a moment, then gone. When will that moment come? I don't know. You don't know. Only God knows. According to Psalm 139, He had every day of my life numbered (and yours) before I even had my first day. My days on this planet will be brief, whether my time comes sooner or later. And question begs to be asked: will I be ready? What will really matter then? Enter the lyrics to a song entitled "When Its All Been Said and Done" by Irish worship leader Robin Mark:

"When its all been said and done, there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth? Did I live my life for you?"

There you go. Did I do my best to live for truth? Jesus is the truth. Did I live my life for You? So what will people say when that day comes? Awards, accomplishments, degrees, education, family ties, political ties, powerful and prestigious friends, abilities, portfolios, bank accounts - none of those things will really matter.

I hope and pray that, when its all been said and done for me, that I will have left a legacy - Like Daniel Nash. Nash was the behind-the-scenes man who traveled with evangelist Charles Finney in the mid to late 1800's. He would come into town several weeks or more before Finney was scheduled to preach a revival. His one purpose - to pray for God to do great things through Finney when he preached. The result - the 2nd Great Awakening. Thousands upon thousands of lives won to Jesus Christ as a result. According to Jim Cymbala's book Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, if you were to go find Daniel Nash's tombstone in a secluded cemetary in upstate New York today, here's what it says: Daniel Nash, Laborer with Finney, Mighty in Prayer. That's a legacy.

So what will people say about you when its all been said and done for you? A better question might be: what will Jesus say? I pray the words of Scripture from the lips of Jesus might be the words He utters to me when I stand before Him: Well done, my good and faithful servant. posted by John

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