Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Storms and Rainbows

Every Tuesday morning I get to drive my girls to Wee Ones at our church early for a teacher's devotional that I lead. It has become tradition (a potentially dangerouos one) for me to read my girls one of their library books or a Bible story as we're driving to the church. They love the stories and I love reading them. This morning I pulled out Brenna's "Jonah" movie book that she had checked out. It was too long to read in the fifteen to twenty minutes it takes to drive to the church; so I decided to just tell them the account of Jonah (which is much safer as well!). As I talked about the events from chapter 1 of the book of Jonah, I mentioned how God sent the storm when Jonah was on a ship trying to run away from God. I really tried to emphasize with my girls (Brenna especially) that sometimes God sends storms into our life to get our attention when we mess up, just like He did with Jonah. Without missing a beat, my five-year old Brenna, who is a social butterfly and has an opinion about everything, said, "God sends storms, daddy, and then He sends the rainbows." Sometimes it scares me to think of what might come out of Brenna's mouth; but at other times, like this, she says something that is simplisticly profound. This was one of those times. She got it. I needed it. What a great reminder. For every storm filtered through the hand of God in my life, whether it be financial, familial, relational, spiritual, emotional or otherwise, there's always a rainbow to follow. That was God's promise to Noah; that's His promise to you. When we are faithless, He remains faithful. He always keeps His word. I can trust Him - going into a storm, coming out of one, or in the midst of one. So can you. The rainbow will come. Take it from a five year old. posted by John

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