Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Good News

Did you know that Taiwan is a country where 97% of the people are Buddhist? That means if they died today, they would do so without a relationship with Jesus Christ and would spend eternity separated from God. Franklin Graham, son of world-renown evangelist Billy Graham, has just finished preaching a festival in Taipei, Taiwan over a four-day period. In that time, 183,000 persons heard the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaimed to them by Graham. Of those people, nearly 10,000 made a commitment of their life to Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. WOW! The Gospel is still the best news available, and people responding to it is Good News indeed! You can read and see more about the Taipei Franklin Graham Festival at posted by John

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

John, this is awesome!!! I had not heard this! Thanks for sharing!