Bethany's class at her preschool went on a field trip yesterday to Crowe's Nest Farms. I had the opportunity to go with she and her class. What an adventure with three 3-yr. old preschool classes at a farm. Thankfully, lots of parents went along to help keep up with all the little adventurous preschoolers. Here are a few photos from the day. We did lots of fun things. We went on a hay ride, saw lots of farm animals, had a cow-milking demonstration, learned about ostrich's, and had a picnic.
They had several snakes there to look at. Bethany was not scared of these at all. You can see how closely she was looking at them. This particular snake was even moving his head close to the glass, and it didn't even bother her. She said, "I like it, Mommy!" I'm glad she does, because I hate snakes!!!!

She's not afraid of goats either! Here she is climbing on the fence right up next to this goat's face! The goat thought one of us was going to feed it. I'm glad Bethany didn't try to feed him!

Here we are in front of their pumpkin patch! What a fun day!!! Thank you Lord, for all you've made for us to enjoy!
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