Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Moms Visit

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Please continue to pray for Emma's speedy recovery and complete healing. posted by John
Friday, October 17, 2008
A Trip to the Farm
They had several snakes there to look at. Bethany was not scared of these at all. You can see how closely she was looking at them. This particular snake was even moving his head close to the glass, and it didn't even bother her. She said, "I like it, Mommy!" I'm glad she does, because I hate snakes!!!!

She's not afraid of goats either! Here she is climbing on the fence right up next to this goat's face! The goat thought one of us was going to feed it. I'm glad Bethany didn't try to feed him!

Here we are in front of their pumpkin patch! What a fun day!!! Thank you Lord, for all you've made for us to enjoy!
Views on Marriage from McCain/Obama
Here's a link from a lady whom God physically saved from death at birth, despite the fact that her mom attempted to abort her. Check out her story at the following websites & her crusade to take on one presidential nominee's record on abortion:
God help us. posted by John
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Great Moon Adventure & Worship
The conversation went something loosely like this: Daddy, why is the moon moving in the sky? The moon actually stays in the same place, honey. It just looks like it is in a different place every time daddy turns or goes a different direction.
Daddy, if you touched the moon will it burn you? No, the moon won't burn you.
Daddy, have you ever been to the moon? No, I haven't Brenna. I've been to the moon, she said. How did you get there? I inquired. It's a long, long way to the moon. I stood on top of MawMaw and PawPaw's head. Oh really, I said. MawMaw and PawPaw are not tall enough to help you reach the moon. If you stand on their heads, you won't be able to do it. Well, she said, there were a thousand stools stacked up on top of each other to help me reach the moon. Where did you get those stools? MawMaw took me to all the Wal-Marts in Longview to get all the stools. Who paid for all those stools? MawMaw and PawPaw did. I don't know if you could reach the moon even if you're standing on top of 1,000 stools. If you can't, how are you going to touch the moon? PawPaw will throw me all the way up to the moon. You're PawPaw must be very, very strong. :)
Well, you get the picture. Brenna has a very active and creative imagination. Thank you, God, for giving it to her. She also has the gift of gab; and in this 15-minute ride home from church where Brenna barely came up for air in-between all her moon questions and my feeble attempts to answer them to her satisfaction, something unique happened. I had an encounter with God. That's right - I worshipped God with my four-year old through a silly conversation about the moon. Thank you, heavenly Father, for creating the moon as an instrument, not to be worshipped, but that could stimulate worship. It did for me. I look at the moon and am in awe at Your incredible handiwork. I look at and listen to Brenna; and I'm likewise stunned and amazed at Your masterpiece work of human art that she is. Help me not to miss the 15-minutes of memorable, magical moments of worship that are waiting in future conversations with each of my children or my wife or a stranger as well as in Wal-Mart or at the gas station or in my car or at work. I'm sure I miss them way too often. But I know that only You, God, can take the mundane and average elements of daily life & use them to create personal, life-changing reminders of Your greatness, goodness, and faithfulness. Help me watch for Your creative genius in these times; and when I do, to stop and worship You - in prayer or in song, out loud or in silence, at work or at play, at home or away, whether pleasant or painful. Because when I truly encounter You, I can never stay the same. In the words from Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Moment Made For Worshipping", every moment is truly one that is made for worshipping:
Monday, October 13, 2008
Needs Prayer
Christmas Trees, Pumpkins, and Lots of Fun!!
Posing on a tractor made from hay bales!

I love this picture! Here are the guys in mid-jump, jumping from the hay bale tractor!

Bethany was walking up ahead of me at one point today. I called her name and as she turned to look at me, she posed for the camera! Look at her foot! Too funny!

Brenna is sometimes my hard one to get a good picture out of. But, I actually got this really good one of her. She was looking at her daddy, but I thought it turned out really well. You can even see the Christmas trees in the back ground. I loved this place! We'll definately have to go again!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Two Praise Reports!
The other update I wanted to share with you is about our friends, Kevin and Shanna Sherman. You probably remember from previous posts that Kevin had brain surgery not long ago. I spoke with Shanna on the phone today and she said they are doing really well. Kevin has been in rehab but is now home. He still has some obstacles to overcome but this will take time. Please continue to pray for them. Two specific things to pray for are his vision and his speech. These were effected by the surgery. Thank you for remembering our friends and for continuing to lift them up. God is so BIG and is totally able to heal him completely. I'm asking Him to do that! Kevin and Shanna, we love you and are so thankful for what God continues to do in your family. He is good!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Emma Rae Cox

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Happy 66th Birthday Papa John!

Look At This Cute Little Pillow

Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Trip to the Dinosaur Park
Daddy had lots of fun too, can you tell??

Here is Brenna and her buddy Garret. John said they held hands all day! When I asked Brenna about this, she said she was keeping Garret from going into the woods. Garret called it the forest! They are too cute! Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Bye for now!