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Here is a sneak peek at my two Soccer Players. They had soccer pictures first thing this morning so I thought I would snap a few photos of them in their new uniforms. It was very cold and windy this morning, so I'm sure the group pictures of them with their teams will be something to see.
Brenna is on the lime green team. They don't have a name yet, still trying to come up with one.
Bradley is on the maroon team. His daddy is his coach and they came up with the name "Flames". I thought that was a cool name! The only thing Bradley was concerned about was the color of the uniform. You know, we're all about burnt orange around here, Ha! Go Longhorns!!Be watching for pictures of my baseball player! He doesn't have a uniform yet, but I'm sure it is on it's way. Our lives are busier because of sports, but it sure is fun watching them play.
Well, I thought I would update you since my last post. I think I told you about Brenna and Brandon being sick, and also about Brenna's little accident with her tooth. Well, Brandon finally got well and is doing great. Brenna was diagnosed with a sinus infection and the beginning of an ear infection. She had a very rough week that week, but I'm thankful that she too is now well and doing great! That same week that Brenna was sick, Bethany got the flu, and by the end of the week, she had double ear infections. So, we've had our share of sickness since the start of a new year, and I'm ready for all of us to be healthy and stay that way for a while. Right now, everyone is great, and I'm rejoicing in that!!About Brenna's tooth: We thought we would have her tooth pulled because of the injury to it (see last post for more details). But, she saw the dentist this week and he said the tooth has tightened up, is not as dark, and actually looks great right now. So, we decided to leave it alone and let it come out when it's ready. Brenna was very glad, because she had already told me, "Mommy, nobody is taking out my tooth!!" I'm thankful I didn't have to fight that battle!I thought I would post a few Valentine pictures. My girls were both sick and missed their Valentine parties at preschool, but they were very excited when their daddy brought home all their Valentine goodies. Brandon and Bradley both had fun parties at school.
Here is a sweet picture of Brenna helping me get she and Bethany's Valentines ready to send to her friends at school.
Here is Bradley at his "Cookie Decorating" Valentine Party at school. Loads of fun and lots of sugar.
Here is Brandon showing off all his loot at his Valentine Party.
This picture has nothing to do with Valentine's Day, but I didn't have a Valentine picture of Bethany. So, here is Bethany and her best buddy, Kenlie at Pajama Day at preschool.
I'll close for now. Be on the lookout for more to come. Soccer season and baseball season have begun. Bradley and Brenna are playing soccer, and Brandon is playing baseball. So, I'm certain there will be more posts along with photos in the days ahead. Thanks for reading!!
I'm at home from church today with my sweet girl, Brenna. She seemed very tired yesterday, but I thought it was because we've had a long weekend of preteen Dicscipe Now. She took a nap yesterday, which is totally not like her, and then woke me up at 6:24 this morning saying she couldn't sleep. She climbed into my bed never saying a word about not feeling well. I got up to get ready for church, and as I was just about ready, I heard John call my name. After picking Brenna up and carrying her downstairs, he noticed she was rather warm. Sure enough, she was running fever. So, I'm afraid that her congestion that she's had for a few weeks now, has turned into an ear infection. She'll be the third one of our children who has had one since the first of the year.Bethany started out with congestion a few weeks ago. After one night of almost no sleep and a terrible earache, I took her to the dr. to find that she had a yucky ear infection. Then last week, after developing congestion, Brandon had a night with a terrible earache. It was Super Bowl Sunday night. I ended up taking him to the ER because his ear was hurting so badly. They didn't do much for him there and recommended that we see our pediatrician the next day. His ear was so bad that his ear drum burst. He and Bethany are much better now, Thank the Lord!Brenna has also had some other things happen to her since her birthday. I posted earlier about Brenna's birthday and how she and a few of her friends went to an inflatable place to play. While there, Brenna climbed to the top of one of the slides, bounced at the top before sliding down, and then hung her top front tooth on the safety net at the top of the slide, pulling it loose and cutting her gum. I took her to the dentist the next week, after the tooth began turning dark, to find that the root was dead and the blood supply to that tooth had been cut off. So, she goes back on the 24th for her annual check-up, and on that day, the dentist will pull her front tooth. I'm sure there will be pictures to follow that visit!Other than that, things are going pretty well. I'm thanking God for his healing when we are sick. Also, for His provisions for dr.'s, medicine, etc. Thanks for reading our blog! No pictures to share this time, but I'm sure we'll have some soon!