Boy, do we have lots of birthdays in January. Today we celebrated Brandon's 9th birthday. He is growing up so fast. He had a very fun day that started at Churck E. Cheese. John took he and his friend Cory there to play games and eat pizza for lunch. They had such a great time! Then, it was Brandon's turn to go to Build-A-Bear. The tradition that John started with girls has been passed on to the boys. We ended our day with another family party. Enjoy these special photos from Brandon's birthday.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy 5th Birthday Brenna!
Well, I'm still having trouble believing that my baby girl is "5" years old. She has grown so much this past year. Her birthday was this past Wednesday and we celebrated on Friday. She started her day with 4 of her friends. John took them to "Ready, Set, Play" for some inflatable fun! Then they went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch! What a great time with great friends!! After that, John took Brenna to Build-A-Bear. He started this tradition last year for her birthday and decided that he would take her each year on her birthday. We ended the day with a family party at home. Enjoy the pictures from her special day!
Instead of getting a bear at Build-A-Bear, she decided on a lab puppy. She named her "Labbie" and also got her a house to sleep in. There are two things that Brenna loves, teddy bears and puppy dogs. Labbie has on a very cute outfit that you can't see because she is in her house.
My boys were so sweet to their sister on her birthday. This is a card that Brandon made for Brenna. He drew a picture of the two of them and then put $5 in this card that he made because she was turning 5. We really try to teach them to put others first, and then sometimes they really surprise us, and do such sweet things for each other. Bradley also gave Brenna some of his money in a little coin purse. She really has great big brothers.

Happy Birthday John!
On January 12th, we celebrated John's 41st birthday! We had a family party at home. I cooked one of John's favorite meals, the kids and I had gifts for John, and then ended the evening with strawberry shortcake, Yum! Papa John also joined us for the celebration! Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!
A big birthday hug from Brenna! So sweet!
Bradley and Daddy with their horns up! Bradley got this Longhorn t-shirt for John.
When Bethany saw the older kids wrapping the gifts they had gotten for their daddy, she filled a gift sack up with some her jewelry and gave it to John for his birthday. She was so excited, especially when John put on one of the necklaces. When I took their picture, she also thought she was supossed to get her horns up!

Monday, January 5, 2009
Back to "Normal"
The last few weeks have been anything but normal around the Woods' house. John has been off work, which has been nice for me and the kids. The kids have been out of school for the Christmas holidays. We've spent lots of time together as a family which has also been nice for the kids and for John and I. But, tomorrow, everything will seem to be back to normal. John went back to work today, the boys start back to school tomorrow, and the girls start back to WeeOnes tomorrow. Then, on Wednesday, BSF will begin again for the girls and I. I will be back to getting up early, making lunches, getting kiddos off to school, running errands, doing laundry (somehow the laundry never stops no matter what time of year it is), picking the kids up from school, etc., etc., etc. I've been ready to get back to a normal schedule, but I've also enjoyed my children being home and John being here with us for a few weeks.
As 2009 us now underway, I think about new beginnings. I don't usually make new year's resolutions, because I seldom follow through. But, I've been convicted about my personal time with God. I don't spend near enough personal time with the One who loved me enough to die for me. The One who has forgiven me of everything I've ever done wrong, and the One who has a place prepared for me when I die. The One who cares for me day after day, providing for my every need. The One who is my Savior and my friend. The One whom I can call on any time. The One who longs for me to spend time with Him. It is Jesus! I've committed to get up earlier, to win the "battle of the blanket", to not let busyness get in the way, and to start my day with my Lord! I've tried to face each day in my own strength and have failed miserably. I need God's strength to be a Godly wife and mother. My Sunday School teacher challenged our class this past Sunday to read a Proverb a day, and I'm going to take him up on his challenge. I'm also going to stop waiting until the last minute to work on my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) lesson. Lord, please help me to follow through with my commitment to You. I love you and I want my life to show evidence of that. Thank you for convicting me when I am not walking with you!
On another note, my Bradley lost another tooth yesterday. That was big news in his 7-yr. old world. The only two pictures I have to share today are of my boys in their Longhorn attire. They took a nap today so they could stay up late tonight and watch the Longhorns play football.
As 2009 us now underway, I think about new beginnings. I don't usually make new year's resolutions, because I seldom follow through. But, I've been convicted about my personal time with God. I don't spend near enough personal time with the One who loved me enough to die for me. The One who has forgiven me of everything I've ever done wrong, and the One who has a place prepared for me when I die. The One who cares for me day after day, providing for my every need. The One who is my Savior and my friend. The One whom I can call on any time. The One who longs for me to spend time with Him. It is Jesus! I've committed to get up earlier, to win the "battle of the blanket", to not let busyness get in the way, and to start my day with my Lord! I've tried to face each day in my own strength and have failed miserably. I need God's strength to be a Godly wife and mother. My Sunday School teacher challenged our class this past Sunday to read a Proverb a day, and I'm going to take him up on his challenge. I'm also going to stop waiting until the last minute to work on my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) lesson. Lord, please help me to follow through with my commitment to You. I love you and I want my life to show evidence of that. Thank you for convicting me when I am not walking with you!
On another note, my Bradley lost another tooth yesterday. That was big news in his 7-yr. old world. The only two pictures I have to share today are of my boys in their Longhorn attire. They took a nap today so they could stay up late tonight and watch the Longhorns play football.
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